Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lets catch up!

So recently I had the USU Connections program.
It's just s few days to
introduce incoming freshman to the campus, professors, and other students. It was pretty uneventful but I did get to feed hummingbirds! My professor's pastor owns a house up Logan Canyon. She found out that hummingbirds were flocking the area and decided to see if she could get them accustomed to her and eventually get them to eat out of her hands. After months of trying she eventually got them to come up and even sit in her hand. She took us back 7 at a time to feed the hummingbirds. They would hover right in front of your face and then slowly down to your hand. They would perch there for a moment then fly off. It was by far the best day of college I've had so far. But I'm still not exactly sure how that was educational?

This week school officially started.
I got lost.
I got called a freshman.
My roommate moved in.
I cried.
I laughed until I cried (thank you Rachel).
I read 150 pages in a day...WOOT!
I slept...very few hours.
I made new friends.
I worried about gaining the freshman 15.
I got plowed down by the football team at lunch, highlight of my week.

I really do love it here. USU always has things to do at night. Tonights activity was watching Iron Man 2 down at Old Main on a giant projector. I went with two of my roommates, Ondy and Stacy. It was very fun but also very cold! Common Logan...ALREADY!? All I ask is that it doesn't snow until the leafs fall. Likely story.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Once a measly freshman...once again...a measly freshman!

First day at USU! YAHOO!! Today has been a whirlwind of emotions. From seeing my dorm and seeing the amount of junk I had to unpack into that tiny dorm seemed like a task due for a disaster. But once organized it fit just perfectly! What once was covered with with wood paneling is now covered with photos from my childhood and band posters. It's nice to have people here I already know, if I didn't I think I could be a complete wreck. Even though my departure from my parents was tear-free. (Sorry Mom and Dad...I think you thought it would have been something other then what it was! I do truly miss you though.) I took two trips to Wal-mart and walked probably 3 miles today but all in all it was a great day. All settled in and ready for tomorrow. It does slightly feel like just going to a week long summer camp, but then I realize I'll be living here for a year. Weird. You will hear from your new college student soon!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Here I Come...

After quite a few hours of packing I was left with 3 large suitcases and three totes to take all my possessions to Utah State. In all honesty I never really thought this day would come. I mean...me? Moving out? Going to COLLEGE?! I never thought this would happen to me. I knew it would, but I didn't think it would come so soon. I can't say I'm not excited, because I am. And I definitely can't say I'm not scared because I am terrified. But what I am is ready. I am ready for a new story to tell and a new adventure to find. Tomorrow I move. I'm as ready as I'll ever be...I have to be. There is no turning back now! Watch out USU here I come!